Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Bukan Sabah......

dan bukan juga Bandung......

somewhere nearer.....sepelaung je kata orang tua.....

kena bikin suspense sebab gambar belum di transfer ke Pc Yours Truly....

Somewhere quite cool....which was fine with the were not too impressed with the cooler climate...( tu le kalau dah hari2 disogok dengan air-cond rooms...)

But the cable car ride was an experience....oppppssssss......

Saturday, July 23, 2011

Bersawang again......

After going thru one unforgettable episode of chicken pox attack, terasa sangat malas untuk ber-blog...

In addition Tol Manager pulak bz dengan tol opening nye.....siang malam dengan long range walkie talkie.....roger..roger ...tango kilo....alpha chali chali....bingit telinga, sakit jiwa raga...

And tension di ofis Yours Truly......argh.....

And so finally Tol Manager dapat kita pun pergi......jeng..jeng..jeng.....