Wednesday, March 31, 2010

My beloved son who is also the Pengawas Muda Sekolah. Berdiri pun tegak je. Love you loads Abg.....and the rest too !!!

Am I too harsh ?

Yesterday evening, it was drizzling when Abg got back from school. He stopped to play badminton at a neighbour's house...still in his school clothes and all. Bila balik dah kena sound dengan Yours Truly.

My reason for being upset is that he is the one person in ther house who can get fever very easily.
And his temperature get go sky-high at times. Hence, my worry.

I've told him countless number of times not to play in the rain and every day kena remind him to drink water.

Conclusion - being a mum is a constant worry. You worry about everything. You want the best for everyone. You grow old faster...he..he...

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Introducing ...the Yellow team !!
He..he...Sama tak? Ni kat Cherating - masa 1st time holiday kat sana.
Bonding time antara Daddy dan anak nye....
We truly enjoyed the trip....nak lagi Daddy...
About Sukaneka 2010

The school decided to have the Sukaneka early this year unlike last year. Last year it was held towards the end of the year. Ok for the kids and ok for parents, but I supposed it stressed the teachers out. What with the Year End Exam, kutip buku teks etc....

So this year is Kakak's 1st sukaneka - she was excited, she gets excited easily-lah this girl.
Nasib baik boleh tido...masa concert kinddy dulu tak leh nak tido pun.

Kakak's event was Bola Ajaib - she and Blue team had to do a bit of running and crawling.
And the Blue team got the 1st place. Well done kakak!

Abg's event was Hoki Berhalangan -'s tougher than it looks.
And Abg's Yellow team got 4th place - well done abg!!

Am still waiting for Daddy to download the pictures.

Sunday, March 28, 2010

Just a short one.

Sunday morning- using Daddy's laptop. Dang Ding is still feverish. Though not as bad as 2 days back.
Friday was Sukaneka Day for both Abg and Kakak. Needless to say Mama Cheetah had to take leave on that day. Kena hantar both kids and bagi moral support.
Will have another entry for that - maybe after Daddy has found the time to download the photos.

Thursday, March 25, 2010

I feel like this sometimes.....cuma tak dok atas batang pokok je. Lazy, all limbs relaxing, muka poyo je..

Let's talk about this photo. Taken in Paka some years back. We all singgah sekejap sebelum ke Cherating.
Masa tu MakTeh was pregnant !!
Rumah Tok ni kawasan dia luas. Kalau rumah Yours Truly macam ni best nyer....The boys can play football without me worrying.

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

The lice problem persists -PART 2.

Kakak had this problem when she was in Kindy. After a few rounds of treatment, dia dah ok.
And we had to almost botakkan kepala Abg and Jat as a prevention act.

That was a few months back.

Now.......she's scratching her head again !!! Goodness...
So I went to our regular GP to get the lice syampoo. GP kata please inform her school teacher
so that she can check all the pupils heads....huh ???
I asked "is that within the teacher's job scope ke?". She was silent. We left it at that.

So now, kakak kena undergo another series of lice treatment.

A friend forwarded this to me . I found it funny...he..he... What do you think ?

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

This was taken a few years back when Aizat was still a chubby little boy.I like this because of the different facial expressions.

It was a downpour

After weeks of hot, super-hot days, it finally rained yesterday. And boy, was it a downpour..
And so bila hujan jalan pun jammed le....

Yang yours truly plak kena singgah kedai to buy the baby gift....adoi....

Lepas tu unknowingly and not to mention, stupidly go and join the long Q nak masuk the housing area....another adoi...

Kakak dah call " mama bile nak balik?"...sheesh..."nak balik lah ni kak..."

Itu lah dia....rain one time and this happens.
Hope for a better day today.

Monday, March 22, 2010

Let's try to put some pictures now.....
Good Morning,

Had to rush a bit this morning. School re-opens after 1 week break.
Nasib baiklah Kakak has outgrown her "i-malas-nak-bangun-pagi " perangai.....well done kakak.

Nope, truly the rush this morning was my fault...

Well, anyhow, Kakak is safely in school and the rest are still at home.

Ding Dang plak rajin sungguh ngigau jerit2 sekarang ni....too much teasing during the day perhaps ?? Or just a phase he's going thru??? Let's just hope it doesn't prolong....

See u later alligator...

Saturday, March 20, 2010

Here I am....

Hello bloggers.... Trying out something new this year....Introducing myself to the wide world of bloggers. Hope I can keep this up.