Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Yesterday, when I was doing the laundry (lipat baju daaaa....) , this boy approached me with a serious face....
Jat : Mama, makcik balik bila?
Yours Truly : Bila kita dah dapat makcik baru.....
Jat : Sapa nama makcik baru ?
Yours Truly : Tak tau lagi...
Jat : Makcik balik sini balik bila?
Yours Truly : Makcik tak balik dah...Makcik dok kat Indon dengan keluarga dia lah...
Jat ( muka dah cembeng sikit...) : Makcik tak balik ke?
Yours Truly : Tak sayang....Makcik nak jaga anak dia pulak....
Sigh.....It's heartbreaking to see such a sad, unhappy face...Yours Truly foresees a very gloomy and difficult time ahead...especially for this boy...

And the Young Ones....the Young Padawans....

The guests.....(finally got to upload the pictures)....self-explanatory....

Monday, April 26, 2010

Finally.... dapat jugak upload gambar...My little-est sweetheart...malam2 sebelum tidur wajib sebut Mama, mama berulang kali...
Ramai kata Adam Dang Ding ikut rupa Yours

Unable to upload photos nowadays...don't know why.

It was a rather quiet weekend...Daddy being away in Trengganu. Tok Dik passed away Saturday afternoon.....We last saw her when she came down to KL about 2 weeks before Iyo's birthday. Al-Fatihah.....

On another note - yesterday evening was Adila's birthday party. Adila is Kakak's close friend at home. Too bad they don't go to the same school....They had loads of food - meehoon goreng, nasi himpit, nuggets....and more nuggets...sigh...
The cake was chocolate banana...the kids love the chocolate and Yours Truly had to finish up the bananas....

Yours Truly will attempt to upload the photos later...Adios.

Thursday, April 22, 2010

The cake - it's Black Forrest Optimus Prime....Sedap hingga ada yang menjilat lilin tu...Layanlah photos ni ye....

Yours Truly wanted more candles but got no space to put pulak...

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

The food - a few of the delicious dishes that were served...

Ayam Kerutuk "Ironhide"
Tempe Bercili "Megatron"

Nugget "BumbleBee" and Pisang Rebus coated with kelapa parut "Jazz"....and lots more...

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

What and where is this ??

A picture speaks a thousand words...

The calm after the storm....he..he..seakan2 tadika 5 bintang pun ada kan..

The storm before the calm.....

Monday, April 19, 2010

How I wish I was here ....

Instead Yours Truly is at work...yelah baru 4pm...tengah tunggu report sedang di-runkan...

Don't u just hate it when your KPI is linked to other people's performance? It's normal, I know,

but don't u just hate it ?? Especially kalau dapat yang "other people " tu sendiri tak kisah pasal their KPIs...?? Duh...
Yang ni tak payah tunggu gambar...sebab takde gambar pun. Semalam buat le video call ke least CikChut dapat jugaklah tengok muka2 anak2 sedara dia yang kian membesar ni... Below are a few comments :
Mak Teh : Ni Daddy Iyo saje nak buat dengki Cik Chut lah ni....

Atuk Shaari : Live telecast ke Kak Long?? Cuba tanya sejuk tak kat sana ?? Sekarang pukul brapa kat sana ..?? Guna internet ke Mang ??

Kakak : Al- Annas dah besar kan Mama...

Makcik : Cek Pi dah gemuk....

Ha..ha..itu semua komen yang kedengaran dek telinga Yours Truly. Jangan Marah ye CikChut and Cek Pi...
Phew! Last weekend was a very hectic and happening weekend. So much of shopping was needed and the house renovation needed to be accelerated ....nak tak nak Uncle Din kena jugak perform under intense pressure..he..he...semua semata2 nak sambut this fella punya birthday...Happy 9th Birthday Abang...after this bagi can kat adik2 pulak ye...

A happy birthday boy....

Adam Dang Ding - birthday or not I'm always the happiest one...

Jat...."kenapa Iyo je dapat hadiah mama...?" Alamaks!!Next time time will be your time...

Kakak - thoughful...."Birthday kakak, kakak nak jadi princess..." Ok, whatever lah kakak..
The pictures kena tunggu daddy upload ye...So to all those who came - thank you, lain kali datang lah lagi....To those who could not make it - namely Pakngah Cipul yang still recovering...and CikChut yang nun di Scotland tu - u missed one heck of a party and we missed you too... To those yang bertungkus lumus to make it happen - Makcik, Daddy and Uncle Din - hari ni boleh relaks sikit...he..he..

Friday, April 16, 2010

Yesterday my one and only beloved brother was admitted to the hospital.
Sebabnye kaki lenguh2..and the doctor suspected it has something to do with his saraf tunjang...(dah lama tak dengar that word)...Yours Truly and Daddy pun pegi lah melawat...berpandukan a printout of Google Map and Daddy's super-canggih GPS (GPS ke....)....Nah kau..Sesat timur barat ...Masa tu jugak rasa nak baling that super-canggih HP into the muddy Klang river ...(Daddy, don't be angry with me felt the same too ....!!)

Well, anyhow Brother needs to be injected today as the saraf tunjang kena cucuk dengan tulang belakang ,before he can be discharge. Hope he will be well.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Yesterday evening this fella made my blood boil again....

Jat : Mama, Jat nak ice cream..
Yours Truly (yang tengah menyapu di laman rumah..) : Ok, kita tunggu Uncle tu datang. Nanti kita beli.
Jat : Jat nak ice cream sekarang jugak...
Yours Truly : Tunggu lah....
Jat dah start nangis....

Jat : Beli kat apartment...!!
Yours Truly ( sweating like crazy kain batik some more): Tak boleh...tunggu je..

This repetitive conversation went on for about a good 10 minutes before we finally heard the Uncle icecream datang....

Adoi....Jat...Jat....when it comes to compromise .

This fella turned 9 years old last Sunday....Happy Birthday Abang !! But the celebration will be on this Sunday...all because rumah currently macam kena langgar badak sumbu. Hopefully Uncle Din sempat siapkan the living room this week. Meanwhile, Abang is patiently waiting...

Monday, April 12, 2010

Adam Dang Ding dah pandai cakap "Ma-ma"....he..he...sukanye Yours Truly...siap suruh dia ulang...dan ulang..sampai Dang Ding boring...terus buat dek je...he..he...Ever since he got over the last fever, his appetite grew...tummy pun dah besar je...pipi pun tembam je ....lepas ni kita focus on ketinggian pulak ye sayang...Hmmm...what can we do ye ..??

Nota untuk CikChut :Btw, CikChut....Iyo gelap tu sebab hari2 berjemur buat latihan sukan...sheeshh....kakak pun dah tan semacam je...sigh...

About Sukaneka 2010 (part 3)....this is abang in action....despite being one of the "kecik ones"
bak kata Makteh, abang can run fast with the hockey stick...nasib baik cikgu substitute guna bola raga ...kalau guna bola hoki sure lagi berpeluh semua orang...

Abang waiting for his turn....Abang rumah Kuning tapi kenapa dia tak pakai baju rumah Kuning ?? Hah....ada another long story yang bikin Yours Truly upset...
We'll save that for another day.

About Sukaneka 2010 (part 2)...this time Yours Truly gets to upload kakak's photos pulak...

Yang kat atas ni kakak with her friend...kena tanya kakak siapa nama kawan ni...maybe she did tell me but I have forgotten. Event belum pun start tapi dah sweat bagai nak rak....Yours Truly wanted to take more photos of kakak and friends tapi tetiba dia jadik pemalu lak....

Run kakak , run....
Jump kakak, jump....

Friday, April 9, 2010

This conversation took place last night :

Daddy : Eh, how come u never update your blog today ?

Yours Truly : Today bz lah....

Daddy : Penat je upload gambar dalam Thumbdrive...

Yours Truly : Why don't u update dalam your blog ??


Yours Truly have been bz this past few days. So kena tunggu kerja kat ofis dah clear sikit baru boleh blog dengan jayanya....

About Sukaneka are some photos as promised. Will post more when Yours Truly
is not so busy with work....

Somehow did not manage to get Abang in this photo.....

Abang as the Pengawas Muda Sekolah. Can u spot him ?

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

When I'm upset, I look at this cutest face and it makes me feel a whole lot better...s-i-g-h.

Today it's about Yours Truly yang truly bengang dengan sikap sesetengah orang yang suka park their vehicles, motor atau motokar, di merata-rata tempat. This time kat sekolah kakak.

Ada this one lady dengan selamba rocks-nye went and park her bike (motosikal) betul2 kat pedestrian walkpath di dalam kawasan sekolah...Wah...truly inconsiderate ...dah lah masa tu peak period- masa orang ramai hantar anak2.

Hello fren, ni sekolah lah ...respect sikitlah kata anak2 kita.

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

When he was was easier to get him to wear any colour...Nowadays it's "Mama, Iyo tak nak baju pink". Period.

When they were younger....

Monday, April 5, 2010

Kesian Razin....demam ye..Demam nak pandai buat apa tu yek??
Adam Dang Ding tunggu je Razin tapi Razin tak muncul2....rupa-rupanya Razin demam. Tak jadik datang rumah Adam to play with Adam..... Kesian Adam......

Friday, April 2, 2010

This weekend Mak Teh, Pak Teh and Razin will be visiting us. We'll get to see what Razin is capable of doing now.. The last time we met Razin, he was a bubbly, happy-go-lucky boy yang gelak tak sudah2......Maybe sekarang dah pandai merangkak ?? We'll see...

Thursday, April 1, 2010

This fella,at birth, was 5kg....terkejut monkey doctor kat klinik bersalin tu..."dia siap adjust balik weighing scale tu' kata Daddy.
And then he just grew and grew bigger.....until lately bila dah start Kinddy, he sorts of slims down a bit...
And now dah pandai buat perangai....dah pandai carik gaduh dengan Kakak...lepas tu dah pandai nangis kuat2 macam kakak....sebijik ok...
Yesterday evening dia kata Abg tak nak main football ngan dia ...lepas tu nangis.
After that kata makcik tak layan dia ....nangis balik.
Gosh.....Btw, in the photo he was checking out the fish in the bowl. Nak tengok ikan tu hidup ke tak. "It's a part of the table deco, Jat. Not a part of your breakfast, ok??"