Monday, May 31, 2010

Thought of putting up more photos of the house tapi the Net teramat-lah se-low nye pagi Senin ni...Even the Net is down on Mondays huh?
Weekend was longer than normal and we stayed home. That drove everyone nuts...semua dah go after each other's throat dah....Takpe, cuti sekolah next week Mama bawak anak2 gi somewhere yeee......he..he...(kita bagi Daddy suspenssss).....

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

The 2 -day silence simply means that Yours Truly did not have access to her PC, or any PC for that matter, because Yours Truly dapat 2 days MC...Finally kena admit defeat gak.Kena jugak ambik antibiotics...So 2 days were spent at home..apalagi gumbiralah budak2......;)

Yang kat atas tu is a sneak preview of what's to this space.

Monday, May 24, 2010

See this face ? Your Truly is feeling somewhat like this at the moment. The fever bug has hit the Mama Cheetah...feeling low, low, low...down, down, down....macam Black Hawk down! Black Hawk down.!
And Yours Truly pulak jenis yg sangat malas nak jumpa Doktor...a firm believer that my body will come up with its own antibodies to fight all the mean, ugly germs...hence the silent sufferings much to the annoyance of Daddy....yikes!!
Wish me a speedy recovery...tak cerialah kat rumah tu kalau Mama Cheetah tak segarang biasa..!! ;)

Friday, May 21, 2010

Now it's Abang Iyo's turn to get the fever bug.

Macam siapa ? Macam Dang Ding dengan Mama dia......Adam Dang Ding pun suka tidur golek2 atas tangan, lengan, dada, perut dan kaki Mama dia.That's why Yours Truly can relate well to this rhino..

Thursday, May 20, 2010

The gifts .....a creamy, choc cheese layered cake ...(which is by now half gone :) )...
and a gift set from Body Shop...body bath and perfume....LOVE-LY.....
Thank you Daddy darling.....muahs...and thank you Kakak for calling Daddy to remind...muahs...he..he..

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

What is that ?? Donuts for the Birthday Mommy. Courtesy of Network Plng colleagues. Remember people " we grow fat together" those donuts were equally divided to 12 pieces.

Yours Truly nak jadik vague for a while....sometimes you need to run away from specifics.
Aim for the sky, then you'll reach the mountain top.....

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

These 2 boys are not well for the past few days...Jat demam, batuk and selsema ..Adam Dang Ding demam and moody giler..after that head-banging against the wall episode he has now resorted to head-banging on the floor....Old folks say that kids will demam when acquiring new skills....Is THAT the new skill, Adam??
Btw, we went to Nilai over the weekend and the boys got themselves jersey bola and Kakak got a pretty,pink princess-y dress...Once Yours Truly can get her hands on Daddy's camera, will take a photo of that ye....

Wide-eyed Jat...
Even wider-eyed Dang Ding...

Friday, May 14, 2010

1000 apologies.....Yours Truly tengah sort-of demam badminton sekarang ni. Was glued to the tv on wednesday for 5 hours...Everything else either took a backseat or done within 5 meter radius from the tv....So sorry kiddos, dah lama Mama tak ini macam... Gambar kat atas ni relevant tak to our Msia team ?? Yelah....nak lawan tembok besar China malam ni....

Btw, Kakak and Abang Iyo baru je habis periksa...bila ditanya semuanya ok je...hmmm...

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Ok, this is definately not my kid....hopefully none of them will ever attempt this...Mama gari terus kat peti ais tu....
Yesterday Adam Dang Ding threw a tantrum sebab lambat diberi makan Vit C....dia buat head-banging kat perangai sapa plak ni....Geram ada, kelakar pun ada....And Abang Iyo was so proud of the little brother..."Mama, pandai kan Adam..." ?????

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Once upon a time, not too long ago.........

Monday, May 10, 2010

PKSR week....Today Abang Iyo and Kakak will be sitting for their BM paper.
All the best kiddos....

Friday, May 7, 2010

This chubby boy has a Sports Rehearsal on Tuesday. Bila tanya " Jat kena buat apa?", he said "Entahlah..Jat cuti ke mama?"....Huh?
Kakak (paling suka menyampuk conversation orang) has this to say "Jat lari kuat2 nanti boleh dapat hadiah macam Kakak"....and then added "Iyo tak dapat...sebab dia dapat nombor 4"...
Sigh....Kakak will always be Kakak....kerana mulut badan binasa, kakak....

Thursday, May 6, 2010

The flowers reminds me of UK!!! Specially for CikChut...get out there and enjoy the Spring time..enjoy the flowers and the gardens...tangkap gambar banyak2 and post them in your blog...Hurry!!...

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

This girl is absent from school today. Demam gara2 kena cucuk semalam dek "jarum besar macam pensil lead ...". Kakak kata ada kawan dia nangis.."tapi Kakak tak nangis pun"..
Yours Truly pun tanya lah "Kenapa kena cucuk ? " Jawabnya..."untuk kesihatan".

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

"Dear Colleagues,

There will be changes to the Commercial Division organisation structure with effect from 17th May 2010. Since taking over the role of Commercial Director, I have been observing the way the Division works and see the need to effect some changes that I believe will improve performance."
Nah kau....Yours Truly's office is undergoing some changes....I keep telling myself " Change is good"...."Be open to changes"....."Embrace Change"......"Change is for the better"......
Yikes..wait and see je le...
Not the latest pics but fun nonetheless.....funny antics ...making funny faces....

Monday, May 3, 2010

My littlest sweetheart has got a soft heart. We accompanied Daddy to the hairdresser yesterday and saw this one boy crying his heart out sebab rambut kena potong. Adam Dang Ding was on Yours Truly's lap ..then Abang Iyo cakap "Mama, tengok muka Adam...macam nak nangis je.." Yup, true enough, little Dang Ding's heart went out to that boy....hmmmm...Cian dia...

Alaaaa....dia buat hal lagi....Don't know why it's taking such a long time to upload photos nowadays...
Nanti kalau tak buat entry ada pulak fan sorang ni tanya "Apasal tak update blog mama?"

Tak sangka pulak kita ada avid follower...he..he...

Yesterday was quite uneventful..Iyo is becoming quite a football fan...dalam rumah pun dom dam dom dam dengan Jat....Yours Truly kept reminding them " Ada mama lain yang bagi anak2 main bola dalam rumah ??"

And Kakak pulak asyik lah gulung buku and pretending it's the microphone...and dok buat announcements je....

And Adam Dang Ding ??? He just gets in everybody's way....

A typical weekend....