Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Nak balik dah.....10 mins to go!!!
Ada request for nasi tomato again jugak bila ada demand ni....
And 1 more day to go before a super long weekend .... cuti 5 days....perghhhh....
1st attempt......
Yours Truly, for the 1st time ever, made nasi tomato yesterday for turned out alright...the colour dah ok, lemak pun ada....bau dah semarak satu rumah....the kids pulak lepas sorang2 tanya "Mama masak apa ni...?"....
Hence berbuka yesterday was nasi tomato, Ayam Masak Merah, Ikan goreng, sayur campur
and gulai tempoyak (leftover)....Fuh....

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Just another week.....

Over the weekend we managed to buy the boys' Baju Melayu....this year it's BLue....and Adam Dang Ding got his 1st ever baju melayu....but a different shade of blue sebab takde size untuk body dia yg cinonet tu....he..he...
Next task is to search for kain samping pulak....1 item yang betul2 underutilised I feel....pakai only on Raya morning and Raya celebration at school....So have to think twice before spending on a pricey one.....

Friday, August 20, 2010

It's been a while since the last update.
It's the 10th day of Ramadhan and Al-hamdulillah Abang Iyo and Kakak managed to complete each day of fasting despite the hot weather and other challenges (namely in the form of Jat Nial...).
Dah ingatkan Jat "kakak dan abang puasa, kalau nak makan, makan kat dapur..." ...but there were times dia pergi teguk air sirap ais depan kakak...siap dengan bunyik "gulp...gulp..." pulak tu.....Apalagi, marah le si Kakak....he..he....
Menu pulak...hari2 mesti ada nasik....and ayam for the kids....and fish for Daddy.....

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Yang tidak.....

Selamat Berpuasa semua......
Hari ini kita start puasa dengan berkobar2 nye....(read : semua orang berjaya dikejutkan bersahur tanpa banyak songel...).
Esok and hari2 berikutnye...hanya DIA yang Mengetahui......

Yours Truly is thinking of planning the menu for berbuka(and leftovers for sahur) for the whole of Ramadhan....what if we set a menu for a week....then we repeat the similar menu for next week....workable tak ???

Friday, August 6, 2010

There will be sponsored breakfasts and lunches for the next few working days before the start of Ramadhan.....ramai pulak yg nak belanja makan....Alhamdulillah....and terima kasih.

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Janji semua orang hAppYY...........

Have tried ....sup ayam, tomyam ayam, ayam goreng berempah, ayam goreng madu, ayam sweet sour, gulai ayam, ayam masak kurma, kari ayam, ayam KFC, sambal ayam serai....segala-galanya aYaM....ayam pun lari bila nampak Yours Truly.....

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Bila dapat e-mail macam ni ....."Budget kick-off meeting with reps is tomorrow morning.We are also scheduled to present to MC on Tuesday morning, 2010 estimates and high-level targets for 2011. Key figures are ASKs, RPKs, Yield, Revenue.Appreciate the pax forecast and stats soonest. Perhaps a draft first "...........

Kelam kelibut le....tu yang kaki pun nak naik ke keyboard ni....sheesh....

Meanwhile, Yours Truly punya cooking skill has improved least takdelah se-kelam kabut macam dulu....tapi hari2 kena pikir menu for dinner.....hmmmmm....nak masak apa petang ni ye??