Mama Cheetah
Monday, February 22, 2016
She is beautiful & funny
This is a test posting.
Today this girl turns 13.
She is a teenager.
Happy Birthday my one and only dear daughter..i love you so much.
Friday, January 20, 2012
I have been dormant...
Family and work occupies my time.
At home I have settled into a routine now. After 2 weeks of school. And soon another week of
cuti sekolah due to CNY.
And work....?? Hardly much to comment. Let's pray hard there is light at the end of the dreadful
tunnel....all tunnels have light right? Right?? wishing for a short break...preferably away from the city. Hmmmm.....
Tuesday, January 3, 2012
Yours Truly akan bercuti for 3 days untuk memastikan semua berjalan lancar...-yg sekolah pagi - bangun ontime (setelah sekian lama dapat bangun lewat)....hantar Abang gi sekolah..hantar the rest to taska..dah selesai urusan abang kat sekolah, come back, send Jat & Kakak to school...come back....go again during make sure Jat dapat makan....come back...pick up Abang & Dang Ding...go back to school to pick up Jat & Kakak...malam send everyone to ngaji.
Tulis ni je pun dah penat.....
2nd day - semua kena ikut transport masing2...Yours Truly pantau dari jauh...
Hopefully everything goes well....Hope Aizat will enjoy his 1st year and learn more things..grow to be more independant - more alert and develop more compassion - beyond the text books.
Happy 2012 everyone - let's pray that this will yet be another meaningful year...better year for all of us- Insyallah.
Saturday, December 10, 2011
Apa dia ye??? Amirul telah selamat melalui proses berkhatan....he..he...
Excited semua orang....
Yang paling penting Iyo is ready....and so is Mama dia.....
This kinda stuff kena mentally & emotionally ready ye parents.....
Berpelikat dia satu hari ni......We love you abang.....
Wednesday, December 7, 2011
Misc.....nothing specific ...sementara tunggu bilik air free...macamlah ada satu je bilik air kat rumah ni...tapi bilik air Yours Truly jugak yg best....
Kakak with new hair style....short, should have been shorter though....dalam ikhtiar membasmi K***.......Yours Truly hopes by the time school re-opens dah ok.....Kakak hopes by that time rambut dah panjang....sigh....
This was during Aizat's concert...just to show how tall they are now...and how fast they are growing....soon kalah Yours Truly.
Kakak masa rambut panjang....
Dang Ding....yg dah pandai banyak bercakap......dengan pelat2 is very enjoyable talking with him....
Someone who is Angry Bird-crazy....everyday nak angry bird kat tablet daddy....ha ha...sangat2 manja bongsu Mama ni....
Kakak with new hair style....short, should have been shorter though....dalam ikhtiar membasmi K***.......Yours Truly hopes by the time school re-opens dah ok.....Kakak hopes by that time rambut dah panjang....sigh....
Monday, November 28, 2011
We love the waves....scary yet calming....a lullaby that can make you sleep.....
Bare your feet once a while and feel the sand....sangat best.....
Can you guess where we were? ....Terasa jugak nak pegi climb the rocks but with the little ones..?
So simple the life.....
With wind blowing hard on our faces....
With the angry birds.....
Bonding time....
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