Yours Truly akan bercuti for 3 days untuk memastikan semua berjalan lancar...-yg sekolah pagi - bangun ontime (setelah sekian lama dapat bangun lewat)....hantar Abang gi sekolah..hantar the rest to taska..dah selesai urusan abang kat sekolah, come back, send Jat & Kakak to school...come back....go again during make sure Jat dapat makan....come back...pick up Abang & Dang Ding...go back to school to pick up Jat & Kakak...malam send everyone to ngaji.
Tulis ni je pun dah penat.....
2nd day - semua kena ikut transport masing2...Yours Truly pantau dari jauh...
Hopefully everything goes well....Hope Aizat will enjoy his 1st year and learn more things..grow to be more independant - more alert and develop more compassion - beyond the text books.
Happy 2012 everyone - let's pray that this will yet be another meaningful year...better year for all of us- Insyallah.
Itu plan Mamanye.......yang berlakunye.......celik mata dah meraung tak nak gi sekolah...