Monday, November 29, 2010

How time's going to be December in a few days time...somehow in December Yours Truly jadik nostalgic...Guess it has a lot to do with the school holidays (read : ramai kengkawan ofis bercuti so ofis jadik padang jarak padang tekukur)....hence the aircond lagila terasa sejuk due to the lack of human beings terasa macam win-ter....but with the thunderstorms in the evenings....Ha..ha....

Itulah sudahnya......

Hmmm...I think I'll Google for some really nice photos of Huddersfield in winter and post them here....

Btw, Christmas = SALES!!!! Pssst : Ada orang tu kan kata nak belikan kita kasut tau....dari satu tempat bermula dengan huruf "S" tau....
lepas tu kan dia kata kalau ada rezeki lebih nak belikan kita a matching handbag tau...


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