Faces of Dang Ding....note: blue pyjamas sponsored by Makteh & Pakteh....(Tq...tq...).. Sila abaikan semak di belakang.....toys merata...
Ini adalah antara Dang Ding & Daddy....Yours Truly ntah buat apa masa ni....
Baru lepas menyaksikan Wedding of the Century....dapat tengok in peace sebab anak2 masih di sekolah and taska.....
Nota kpd Cikchut : am looking forward to receive a letter with the Royal couple's stamp.He..he...nak souvenir lain sure mahal kan...
Wednesday, April 27, 2011
The plan is......
......to take half day off Friday....... .........to do my monthly facial...... ..............to attend THE wedding invitation.... :)
Yup, that's THE plan......
Tuesday, April 26, 2011
All about Aizat...and his Sports Day....yang ini after medal presentation...GoLd medal tu....ada jugak yg nak enter-frame....
This is Jat's event...something like lari berpasangan lah....run with your twin...something like that... Daddy tak dapat nak snap whole picture...ada orang block view Daddy katanya....
This was lining up before entering the field.. Sapa plak yg pakai rayban tu....sebijik macam that US runner tu...sapa nama???
Jat dengan kawannya....
Relax dulu beb....
SO all in all it was hot, hot and hot....but event was smooth and short..so takde lah orang yang resah gelisah dek panas....Aizat did well.....Good, excellent, well done....BOW.
Monday, April 25, 2011
Coming up next.....Aizat's Sports Day.
Jangan tak caya...Jat pun ada sports...to inculcate positive spirit....
Everyone was there to cheer him on....!!
So, aunties and uncles and cousins sekelian....Watch this Space...!!
Photos are not in chronological order...this one is after the cake cutting event....the Domestic Affairs minister (tolong jangan pandang sebelah mata ye title ni...)tasting the cake....cake chosen by Daddy...sure sedap.
The eager Birthday boy and the even more excited "bystander".....budak baju oren yg geraaammm je tengok cake...
The susun lilin event....semua nak cucuk lilin....
And the cake...cheese cake ye semua orang...dari seCRet recipe ye semua orang.... :)
Tuesday, April 19, 2011
Arrggghhh,...entry tengah2 minggu memang berbaukan stress tahap dewa...tahap gaban..whatever unearthly levels....
Work related stress....new place and new job scope...in addition to that new boss yg amat2 super tinggi expectationnye....
The initial reason for placing me there was to do *****.......but as days passed by lain pulak cerita nya...
Everything under the sun and the moon dia pass kat kita....konon nak all rounder...hello??
Lama2 jadik Jack of all trades, Master of none....
Ni nak tunggu anak2 tido. After that kena ngadap PC, buat slides for tomorrow's presentation.
Daddy, bila nak naik pangkat and earn loads of $$$$ so that Yours Truly can opt for a ve-ry early retirement ???
Yeah right, Kaklong....dReAm on.....
Saturday, April 16, 2011
Bila anak2 tak bangun lagi.....
Bila hujan di waktu pagi....(teringat kain di ampaian)...
Bila boleh berfacebook dengan tenangnya....without anyone at my back, breathing down my neck..
Bila Daddy kena kerja weekends...(ceh....bila boleh holiday ni Daddy??)
Bila dapat dengar Jaclyn Victor's Ceritera Cinta dengan amannya...
Bila dapat menghirup satu mug Nescafe panas....
Sunday, April 10, 2011
Tomorrow 11Apr 2011 this boy will be 10. No more single digit for you Abang Iyo...does that mean you'll get TWO cakes ?? He..he...
Still remember when he was a little baby....teringat payahnya nak conceive my first baby...teringat every time dapat Best Friend, menitik air mata....all the doas, all the uruts, all that Folic acid...sigh....which is why I don't understand why there are so many abandon babies around....double sigh....
So tomorrow my dear, you'll be a year older and wiser....thank you for being such a good boy, especially helping Mama out masa takde makcik ni....
We will love you always.
Photos will follow soon....
Monday, April 4, 2011
Nothing to do with the pictures....it's just simply a freaking HoT day .....a few days of unbearable heat like this...and kena constantly remind the kids to drink water...
Geram je dia main pasir.....
Best kan kalau panas2 dapat berendam macam ni....in the shade of course....NOT under the hot sun....
Another boy enjoying the water....tak dapat laut, bath tub dalam bilik air pun jadiklah...setengah jam boleh dalam tu ...jika tak dipantau....
Today Yours Truly buat Pudding Roti Marble...sure yummy dimakan waktu panas2 ni...