Still remember when he was a little baby....teringat payahnya nak conceive my first baby...teringat every time dapat Best Friend, menitik air mata....all the doas, all the uruts, all that Folic acid...sigh....which is why I don't understand why there are so many abandon babies around....double sigh....
So tomorrow my dear, you'll be a year older and wiser....thank you for being such a good boy, especially helping Mama out masa takde makcik ni....
We will love you always.
Photos will follow soon....
ehhee..mak teh adalah feveret iyo sehingga razin msh sama kn mama??hehhe..
ReplyDeletemak teh celik mata..tgk hp..nmpk 11 april..tak tau ape spesel date ni..rupanya besday iyo..lma benor tk selebret..sabtu ni r k kn lik slyg sabtu ni